
Sustainable Finance Live

Tuesday 8 October 2024 | Events @ No 6, 6 Alie St, London E1 8QT

Join Finextra Research and ResponsibleRisk in London to explore the transaction journey in the nature capital marketplace.


Sustainable Finance Live will focus on the obstacles and challenges preventing transactions from being sustainable across a full agenda of panel discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions.


Welcoming investors, stakeholders, and providers operating in the ecosystem, this year’s event will evaluate how quantifiable and costly the transaction process is, and where new solutions and strategies can be integrated to streamline the process.


The event joins together financial services professionals, technology providers, fintech industry leaders and more with the shared objective to drive innovation in sustainable finance, focusing on the themes:

- The valuation of nature capital, how nature is assessed, quantified, and priced.
- Data accessibility of nature assets, and the role of nature accounting and nature credit.
- Perspectives on the multi-sided marketplace and how it can be enhanced, developed, and improved upon, using the agri-food supply chain as an example.


More details on event content and the agenda will be available soon.

Conference location